Category Archives: Events and Occasions
Are We Forgetting Guy Fawkes Night In Favour Of Halloween?
As the beloved British summer time comes to an end, you could be forgiven for thinking that the best part of the year is over, until you remember just how much excitement is still to come.
Michaelmas Day, Goose Fairs and Blackberries……….
Michaelmas Day is linked with the tradition of Mop Fairs & Goose Fairs and is one of the four quarter days on the calendar. Being close to the equinox, it is associated with autumn, and is said to be the best time to eat goose and the last chance to pick blackberries.
14 Weeks until Christmas – The Countdown Begins
We are sure it hasn’t escaped your attention that summer is drawing to a close, and our thoughts inevitably turn to the final quarter of the year and the countdown to Christmas.